Climbing Out of A Rut
Do You Feel Like You’re Stuck in a Rut?
You Don’t Have to Any More! It’s Your Time to Get Unstuck!
Climbing Out of a Rut: Four Steps and 101 Secrets for Supercharging Your Career and Finding Greater Fulfillment and Reward in What You Do Every Day
Downloadable 8½” x 11” PDF: 9.99 | Downloadable E-Book: $9.99 | |
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Downloadable E-Book-Kindle Edition: $9.99 |
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Remember how exciting it was when you began doing the work you do now? Everything was fresh when you started and there was always something new for you to learn. Each small success probably seemed like a huge triumph to you and no doubt you swelled with pride each time you received reinforcement and praise for your work.
Over time, the novelty wore off, didn’t it? The new challenges may have become fewer or perhaps they didn’t seem to matter to you nearly so much. Even the praise may have started to matter less and less as the work became more familiar and the everyday achievements became more or less expected of you.
It’s so easy to fall into a rut in our work and in our lives and to dwell there. But in this Blue Pencil Career Success Monograph™, you’ll learn 101 secrets that you can use practically and right away to climb out of your rut so that you can accelerate your career, become more effective and productive, and find greater fulfillment and reward in your work. These secrets have worked for others and they can work for you.
You deserve to give up rut dwelling and set up permanent residence as a supercharged career professional. Read Climbing Out of a Rut to motivate you, to encourage you, and to spur you to take action.
Delivery of the print books generally takes 7-14 days. Please contact us if you need rush delivery or if you would like to place multiple-copy and bulk orders.
Dr. Laura Hills Blue Pencil Publishing, 2014
ISBN:978-0-9854685-2-1 eISBN 978-0-9854685-3-8
Blue Pencil Career Success Monograph™ Dare Resource from The 6D Framework for Career Success™
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