Dr. Laura Hills Teaches Emotional Intelligence Skills to Project Managers
Dr. Laura Hills and Michael Van Dyke co-facilitated two days of emotional intelligence training for project managers on May 8 and June 7, 2013.
June 11, 2013:
Do you believe that you spend way too much of your time managing other people's issues? If so, you're not alone. Project and program managers in the greater Washington, DC area recently sought answers to this problem by taking one or two days of training in emotional intelligence. The seminars, which could be taken separately or together, ran on May 8 and June 7, 2013. They were co-facilitated by Blue Pencil Institute president Dr. Laura Hills and Michael Van Dyke of Serengeti Enterprises, LLC. Explains Dr. Hills, "Project and program managers often cite people problems within the team as an enormous time and energy drain. Miscommunications, misunderstandings, mistrust, egos, jealosy, pettiness, anger, poor listening, lack of empathy, fear, blame, shame, self-centeredness -- these and other problems can fester in a team, jeopardizing the work, and make everyone absolutely miserable. But it doesn't have to be that way."